Digitalization in retail

Automated business processes and EDMS for retail companies

d.velop employees are sitting on the stairs with a smartphone

With d.velop’s document management system (EDMS) for retail, you can manage all documents and information digitally and integrate them into all relevant processes. This is the first step for the digitalization in retail.

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Why are digital administrative
processes esential in retail?

The books have to be correct: TAlong with good offers and a paying customer base, accounting is one of the most crucial elements in a merchant’s professional life. Therefore, traders often place great importance on powerful and reliable cash register software. However, there are often untapped potentials for automation within the office itself.

Just as a cash register system takes care of the tedious task of adding prices for the merchant, a document management system (EDMS) in retail can streamline time-consuming administrative processes. In the retail industry, thousands of documents and tasks accumulate daily, often across multiple locations. A digital document management system provides crucial information instantly and serves as the foundation for a paperless office.

Cash register data archiving

d.velop’s cash register data archiving lets you fulfil the legal requirements of the GoBD concerning audit-compliant cash register data archiving. That means all your relevant data is stored immutably and is available at all times.

Digital signature

Gone are the days when a qualified digital signature still required complex hardware or lengthy software installations. The digital signature with d.velop Sign works quickly and smoothly and, moreover, makes contracts unchangeable.

icon digital dossiers

Records management

Some customers don’t even need a receipt, other customers the dealer knows personally, and that for years. A digital file folder helps to summarize information on projects, suppliers, partners and branches and to display it at a glance at any location at any time.

Facility management

A clear overview is the prerequisite for control and efficiency. This applies all the more in the area of building management. For this purpose, none of the common software products for Computer-Aided-Facility-Management is needed, but only the combination of Microsoft TEAMS and d.velop for O365.

d.velop products for digitization in retail

The basis for a paperless office

No more manual filing, document management and unstructured file folders! With a document management system (EDMS), everything is automated and digitized – from scanning to archiving!

  • Certified according to IDW PS 880
  • Seamless integration into third-party systems, such as SAP or Microsoft Dynamics
  • Audit-proof archiving

Automated invoice processing

Manual data entry, processing, and management of incoming invoices not only require a significant amount of time but also incur high costs. Due to extended processing and handling times, companies often miss valuable early payment discounts. And that’s not all: there is also a lack of sufficient transparency, such as knowing which staff member is currently handling the invoice.

Simplify the invoice processing process with digital invoice processing. This digitizes and streamlines the entire invoice workflow – seamlessly integrated into SAP as well.

  • Fast invoice verification
  • Seamless integration into existing systems (ERP, financial accounting & ERP)
  • GoBD-compliant archiving

Managing contracts successfully

Contract management is a time-consuming and sometimes cumbersome task. In many companies, it is unclear how contractual obligations are managed, evaluated, and actively used for corporate or organizational control. Employees from almost every department have interactions with contracts. Digital contract management offers many advantages in this regard:

  • Transparency: All contracts at a glance and no more missed deadlines
  • Efficiency: Faster creation, processing and evaluation of contracts
  • Security: No more lost contracts and cross-departmental working

Digitally sign documents with legal validity

It is high time to sign documents digitally. d.velop sign is a digital signature that helps people from all sectors to fully digitize signature processes.

  • Save time: The digital signature saves going to the printer, shortens waiting times and eliminates media disruptions
  • Reduce process costs: Paper, printing and postage costs are greatly reduced with the digital signature
  • Create freedom: Documents can be signed regardless of location and time and remote work is made possible

Automate personnel processes

The digital personnel file from d.velop digitizes and automates your personnel processes and ensures greater transparency. To this end, the file manages all personnel documents – from application documents to contracts and payslips to sick notes – and accelerates the handling of HR processes.

With d.velop postbox, you can provide employees with documents such as payslips and social security documents in a cost-efficient and legally compliant manner. Delivery is encrypted and includes proof of delivery – in contrast to conventional portals.

The employee app from d.velop is a central, digital point of contact for all matters. Your employees have access to relevant information and documents as well as access to intelligent employee self-services to automatically initiate vacation requests or sick notes. This allows you to relieve the burden of everyday tasks in your company – flexibly and digitally via an app.


Satisfied customers from the retail sector

More than 13,350 companies and organizations worldwide are convinced of d.velop software and are enthusiastic customers. For d.velop, the focus is always on joint cooperation and a relationship based on partnership

  • s.Oliver Group

    Logo der s.Oliver Group vor einer Kleiderstange

    The s.Oliver Group Enhances Transparency with Contract Management in the Cloud DMS.

  • eismann frozen-food delivery service


    A lot of paper was produced in the administrative tasks in the personnel area and fleet management at eismann. This paper now belongs to the past. A digital personnel file and a digital archive for vehicle documents make this possible. Both help to save working time every day – through faster access times and more flexible cross-connections.

  • BRAX Leineweber

    BRAX Leineweber is customer of d.velop AG

    More efficient processes at BRAX Leineweber through smart implementation of the digital personnel dossier from d.velop by 2B Consulting GmbH – While BRAX Leineweber worked with a service provider to digitize almost 100,000 pages, d.velop and 2B Consulting set about implementing d.3ecm and adapted the system to the fashion brand’s requirements.

  • Pietsch corporate group


    The Pietsch corporate group has been a satisfied d.velop customer for 17 years now and has successfully implemented a range of solutions, including central SAP document archiving. It has also already implemented electronic processing, automatic forwarding and distribution, as well as verification and approval of supplier incoming invoices via workflow.

Advantages of d.velop software for retail companies

  • Cost savings

    Switch to a paperless office and reduce your costs for paper, printers and maintenance. You also save money by minimizing errors and shortening throughput times.

  • Legally compliant

    With an EDMS, you and your company always remain on the legally compliant side. Easily meet the strict requirements of the GoBD and rely on audit-proof archiving.

  • Available everywhere

    Enable you and your employees to work from home and remotely without any problems. Rely on flexible document management in the cloud.

  • Simple filing

    Whether via email inboxes or manually using drag & drop, all documents can be easily stored in digital files, even directly from Microsoft Outlook.

  • Fast search

    Find the document you are looking for in seconds thanks to Enterprise Search – even across applications.

  • Automated processes

    Drive process digitization with digital workflows and automate your standard processes. Specialist departments can take action themselves thanks to the no/low-code approach.

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