Digital Signature Software
Digital signature software
for document processes
Endless stacks of paper, time-consuming processes, poor data protection? With an digital signature, these scenarios are a relic of the past: With d.velop sign, documents can be signed digitally and legally securely. No installation is required, as the digital signature is completely cloud-based.
Software made in Germany | Hosted in Europe (Open Telekom Cloud)
eIDAS- and GDPR-compliant
Qualified electronic signature included
Benefit from the d.velop platform
Electronic signature software is the ideal introduction to the digitalisation of business processes. Expand the electronic signature with other helpful products from the d.velop platform. Focus on holistic digitalisation. This makes manual processes that cost employees valuable time a thing of the past – company-wide.
- Sign documents digitally
- Create digital workflows
- Archive documents digitally
- Provide documents via app
- Protect data privacy
- Adhere to compliance guidelines
Digital Signature Features
Key features of digital signature software
Focus on features of digital signature? Discover all functions in detail here.
Start signature workflow
- Always stay up to date on the signature status
- Faster contract processing

Obtain external signatures
- Invite internal and external individuals to sign
- Use custom branding and templates

Sign PDF and XML files
- Legally sign PDF and XML files
- Securely archive signed contracts directly in combination with d.velop documents

Digital Signature Software Pricing
Pricing d.velop sign
d.velop sign basic
9.99 € per month plus VAT
- Any number of users
- Annual quota: 50 eIDAS signatures
- Additional signatures: € 4.50 per signature
- European Cloud (OTC)
- Onboarding via self service
- Customised logo
- Cloud support included
d.velop sign business
24.99 € per month plus VAT
- Any number of users
- Annual quota: 150 eIDAS signatures
- Additional signatures: € 4.50 per signature
- European Cloud (OTC)
- Onboarding via self service
- Customised logo
- Cloud support included
d.velop sign ultimate
39.99 € per month plus VAT
- Any number of users
- Annual quota: 250 eIDAS signatures
- Additional signatures: € 4.50 per signature
- European Cloud (OTC)
- Onboarding via self service
- Customised logo
- Cloud support included
Free for 7 days
0.00 € for 7 days
- Any number of users
- Seal signatures included
- Advanced and qualified person-certified signatures are subject to a charge. € 4.50 per signature.
Got Questions?
Haven’t found what you’re looking for?
We can put together a customised complete package for you.
- Customised signature contingents
- Ideal cost utilisation
- Fast price indication
- Go-live directly upon contract conclusion
Digital Signature Software API
Digital signature software as the missing piece of the puzzle
Integrations & API
SAP, Salesforce or Microsoft Office? Integrate digital signatures easily into your use case using the comprehensive API.
This gives every user the ability to sign out of the box! Get everything from a single source and simplify your provider management.

Security made in Germany
The digital signature from d.velop is currently one of the few German alternatives to the large US signature providers on the market. For many companies, the American providers are already falling away for reasons of data protection.
When storing information, d.velop only relies on certified and German data centers to ensure the highest possible security.
Digital Signature Software Europe
Why d.velop sign is Europe’s favourite eSignature
Software made in Germany | Hosted in Europe
We meet the strictest requirements for security, data protection and data retention.
30 years of experience as a digitization partner for companies
More than 12,500 customers and 2.9 million users trust the d.velop brand.
Intuitive and mobile use
We are constantly developing our software by actively involving customers.
eIDAS and DSGVO compliant
Compliance with the legal framework is a basic requirement for us, just as data protection is not just a promise but a fact for us.
Qualified signature already available as standard
There are no hidden costs with us! Compliance with the legal framework is a basic requirement for us, just as data protection is not just a promise but a fact for us. For absolute legal certainty right from the start.
Transparent pricing model
Customers can determine their own needs and costs.
Numerous integration options
Take a holistic view of digitization with the d.velop sign API.
Personal support
We always accompany processes from within the company.
Extensive onboarding
Every person learns differently – we adapt to you.
Internationally applicable
d.velop sign is available in German and English as standard and is already in use in more than 60 countries.
Digital Signatur Software References
Learn how other companies are successfully
using digital signature software
Learn more about digital signature software
In the d.velop blog you will regularly find background information, impulses and expert contributions on electronic signature software, legal aspects, current market developments and much more.
Frequently asked questions about Digital Signature
In the legal sense, a digital signature is a so-called electronic signature. The regulations that were formerly governed nationally in the Signature Act are now found in the eIDAS Regulation on electronic identification and trust services, which applies throughout Europe.
With a digital signature, you can sign a document (e.g., a loan agreement) on the Internet and without paper. This speeds up processes and saves costs. The legal framework for this is provided by the eIDAS Regulation, which applies throughout the EU. It defines the legal effect of electronically signed documents and their evidential value in court. With d.velop sign, you can sign simply, advanced and qualified.
You upload your document to the d.velop sign app and a hash value is sent to a trust service provider for certification. This provider verifies your identity and then sends the hash value back to d.velop sign. You can then download your fully signed document with the associated certificate. By simplifying the signature process in this way, you not only increase your level of digitization, but also save important time and costs at the same time.
Legislation can now be done through remote signature services. You put your signature on the document via a signature certificate. This certificate attests to your identity by a third party and is time-stamped. The qualified electronic signature has stood up in court and is therefore suitable for signing contracts.
The simple electronic signature does not represent any security-relevant added value for companies and is subject to the free judicial evaluation of evidence (§ 286 ZPO).
The advanced electronic signature is also subject to the free judicial assessment of evidence (§ 286 ZPO) and ensures the integrity of the document by means of a certificate.
Only the qualified electronic signature (QeS) replaces the statutory written form (126, 126a BGB) and is therefore equivalent to the handwritten signature.
According to the eIDAS Regulation, Article 3 (16), a trust service is an electronic service that is usually provided for a fee and includes, among other things: Creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures, seals or time stamps, as well as verification and validation of certificates for website authentication. A qualified trust service meets the relevant requirements of the eIDAS Regulation, Article 3 (17), and is verified every two years in an elaborate procedure by an accredited conformity assessment body.
The result is communicated to the responsible supervisory authority (BNetzA or BSI). The status as a qualified trust service provider can be verified throughout Europe via a trust list and a seal of approval. The German trust list is available on the website of the Federal Network Agency: “Bundesdruckerei” (sign-me) is a qualified trust service provider for signatures, seals, time stamps and website certificates.
“Electronic signature” is a legal or juridical term. It refers to data linked to electronic information that identifies the signer. In practical terms, it is similar to a handwritten signature on paper. The legal framework for electronic signatures has been summarized under the eIDAS Regulation.
With an electronic signature, however, it is not always possible to verify whether the person actually signed the document or whether the signature may have been forged. Documents could also have been manipulated or changed without this being traceable.
Digital signatures offer additional security in this respect because, unlike electronic signatures, they contain an encrypted hash value. In addition, the person signing can be authenticated beyond doubt, making them equivalent to a notarized handwritten signature.”
Connected and the signature is directly in the document.
XAdES signature: XML, internally signed i.e. an XAdES signature is always connected to an XML document and the signature is directly in the document.
As a rule, contracts and declarations of intent do not require any special form. In particular, contracts do not generally have to be concluded in writing. A handshake is also sufficient to establish an effective contractual relationship. Nevertheless, for reasons of preserving evidence and documentation, it is advisable to conclude contracts in writing.
In addition, agreements are often made according to which certain declarations or notifications are subject to the written form, and for some specific forms of contract or declarations of intent this is even required by law. This is primarily for the purposes of documentation and verifiability with a view to any subsequent legal disputes.
Signature validation takes place within PDF viewing applications and depends on the approach of the corresponding application. Here, no reader proceeds like the second and corresponding standards, such as the necessary check against the European Trust List (EUTL), are rarely adhered to. Some readers with an internal truststore can store the certificate from the EUTL to enable a check against EUTL. If, for example, your Adobe certificates are not up to date, an error message may appear when checking your signature. Instructions on how to update your Adobe certificates can be found here. Acrobat Reader, for example, checks against the EUTL for qualified signatures and also displays this directly with the signatures that have been made. Basically, the validity of the QES is unaffected by the incomplete check in various readers.
If a signature is to be verifiably checked, we recommend using the official EU validation site for this purpose, where you can upload and check your document ( This software checks according to the specifications for validation and creates a test report at the end, which logs the process.
The eIDAS Regulation (eIDAS stands for “Electronic Identification, Authentication And Trust Services”) is a regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the member states of the European Union. eIDAS represents a genuine legal innovation whose stated purpose is to promote the development of digital applications in Europe. The heart of this article law, the Trust Services Act (VDG), contains all the necessary regulations for the use of digital signatures. The new EU regulation enables a new, simplified procedure for electronic signatures. Here, the components for creating the signature are not stored on a card, but in a secure IT environment of a qualified trust service provider. This means that the electronic signature can also be triggered remotely, for example using mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.
With d.velop sign you have the possibility to sign simple, advanced and qualified. For the selection of the right signature level, we recommend consulting a lawyer. We can gladly show you how other customers use d.velop sign. As a software manufacturer, however, we cannot give you advice on the legally compliant application of the solution. We will be happy to put you in contact with a specialist if required.